Graphite/Vespel Ferrule 1'4" Pkg.10
商家询价 上海希言科学仪器有限公司
Complete FIAS Cell and Windows 7.5 mm
100x2.1mm 5um Hypersil GOLD
5 μL Syringe Metal Plunger w/ PTFE Seal
Quartz Hangdown Wire Kit Qty. 5
HyperSep Retain PEP 60mg 3mL 固相萃取小柱 50/包
赛默飞ASRS 300(4 mm);ASRS300 阴离子suppressors-老款4MM抑制器SP6949
Compression Screws and Ferrules, 5/Pkg [WAT025604]
Absorbent Alumina Beads
HPLC 进样针, 250L 用于Thermo HPLC