TurboFect Transfection Reagent
Thermo Scientific TurboFect Transfection Reagent is a highly efficient, easy-to-use, non-immunogenic transfection reagent for delivery of DNA plasmids and expression vectors into eukaryotic cells.
in vivo-jetPEI
Polyvalent: in vivo delivery of DNA, si/sh/miRNA in any animal model. Easy to use: two-step protocol. Renowned: Most advanced in vivo transfection technology with over 700 peer-reviewed publications
QuickShuttle 系列转染试剂是一类具有自主知识产权、独特配方的阳离子型转染试剂。QuickShuttle最主要特点是:(1)可以在贴壁细胞传代后尚未贴壁时立即进行转染(立传立转);(2)转染操作可在一分钟内完成。